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سايت آرمان

صفحات فارسي






Afghanistan :   This is a hyperlink to "Afghanistan" pages which contain some useful information & important documents on the country as well as many analytic  reports  and articles released and published in international journals , Afghans or humanitarian  web sites .

Links :   If you are searching and scrambling for finding a website on Afghanistan, do not hesitate and click the "links". You will find more than 2000 web links ! on Afghanistan ,  specialized links related to your field of study and the world media . In addition , you can access to  many of the world best search sites and engines through this part . Arman is not responsible for contents of any of external links .

Personal :  A brief description of the website and administrator . The  contents  of  this page are composed of administrator  views and comments . It contains  "Malistan Times !"  , "Political View" and more...

Gallery :   This page contains some pictures from Afghanistan and some of our friends or probably Yours !

Feedback :   Please enter and sign my Guest Book through this page  .  Your views and comments are deeply welcome  . 

Farsi Pages :  Containing  some reports , documents and articles released in Farsi Language . A new navigation titled : "Safahat-e-Shoma" is added to this part for posting visitor's views on the web . Don't forget to mail your views and comments .

                                                               Thank you !   

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  ۱۳٨۱-۱۲-۱۱ : تعداد بازد يد كننده از تاريخ      

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آرمان ، ورود شما ويزيتور عزيز را  به سايت گرامي ميدارد. اميد است ضمن بازديد از قسمت هاي مختلف آن ، نظرات و پيشنهادات  خود را جهت اصلاح وتنظيم مجدد ارسال نماييد  . با تشکر  

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