Home Celeb Watch Jennifer Hudson Tells Her Story To Self Magazine

Jennifer Hudson Tells Her Story To Self Magazine

by Erika Nicole Kendall

In the current issue of Self magazine, J-Hud shares a little more of her weight loss story. Some awesome warm-and-fuzzy quotes in here:

On what made her decide to lose weight

“It really started when I was pregnant with David, who’s 2 now, and I thought, Hold on—why doesn’t anybody know I’m pregnant? And I wanted to set a good example for my son. Right after I had him, I began trying to change things.”

On how she didn’t know she was plus-sized until Hollywood TOLD her she was

“I wasn’t unhappy with my body before. I remember one of my first times on a red carpet, an interviewer asked, ‘How does it feel to be plus-sized in Hollywood?’ I looked around, like, Who is she talking to? Oh, me? I’m plus-sized? In the neighborhood I’m from in Chicago, a 16 is normal. But in Hollywood, everyone looks exactly the same, so I stood out.”

“I find the positive in everything. I like my curves, so it didn’t bother me. My fiancé, David’s father [also named David], and I both knew we didn’t learn to eat right and be healthy as kids, so we wanted to for him.”

On why this particular weight loss is different from her others

“I’ve had three different weight losses. Before American Idol in ’04, I lost 60 pounds. Then I lost the 20 pounds I had to gain for my role in Dreamgirls, which came out in ’06. This is the third time I’ve lost a lot.”

“That first time, I was a workout fanatic. I’d go to the gym at 5 in the morning and run for an hour, go home, sleep and be back at the gym at 1 p.m. for another full workout. Then I’d come home and do Tae-Bo. That was my whole day. Plus, all I’d eat was skinless chicken breast, brown rice and vegetables. What are you going to do once you lose weight? Eat everything you gave up!”

On how she kicked off her workout routine solo and slowly, and her workout routine now

“Four days after my cesarean section, I began walking 30 minutes every day. It was my therapy, my moment to myself, and it was all I could do. I figured, me walking is better than me sitting on the couch. Even if I can’t climb a mountain or do 100,000 push-ups, these steps matter, and they’re leading somewhere.”

“I started with walking, but before long, I built up to other things. When I didn’t want to be cooped up in the gym, I’d come up with other options. I’d ask myself, What do I love? I love being outside and feeling free, so I would jog or ride my bike. Some days, I’d play basketball and tennis.”

“Now, on days when I’m short on time, I do this workout called trilogy, which is cardio and strength combined: I do 25 squats, 25 push-ups and 25 ab moves, then rest a minute. Then I do them in reverse and rest another minute. Fifteen minutes and I’m done! And I create moments of exercise. When I lived on the 26th floor, I’d walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.”

On working out with her fiance’ David

“He bought me a basketball hoop for Christmas, so we play in our backyard. We also get in the pool and do squat contests. One time, I got up to 1,000, and he was, like, ‘Wow, impressed!'”

On changing up her diet mentally

“I had to break my diet mentality. I used to deprive myself, thinking that was healthy. I didn’t eat pasta, fried food, red meat. I hadn’t had pizza in 10 years! Then, about two months after my son was born, I joined Weight Watchers and learned about balance. If you’re on a strict diet that says you shouldn’t have any carbs or this or that, your body won’t function the way it should. I know now that I can eat anything I want and still lose or maintain my weight. It’s about portions and balance.”

On getting treated differently as “skinny Jennifer” and her fans’ reactions to her change

“Yes! You never know you’re being discriminated against until you see what you’ve been deprived of. Everybody wants you to wear this or put you on the cover of that. Before, my career was great, but since losing weight, I haven’t stopped. I have worked every single day of this year.”

“Some fans love it and say they’re inspired, and others don’t. Some have even questioned whether I can still sing. My voice has gotten stronger! I can’t care about whether I’m too big for some or too small for others. It goes back to how you feel about yourself. I like me the way I am. For anyone who wants to lose: Dude, if I can do it, you can do it. And for those who want to stay the same, I hope I can be an example to you, too; I was proud of being a big girl.”

On the KEY to her weight loss

“It’s like my mother said: ‘Well, honey, when there is a will, there is a way.’ You have to want it, but don’t rush yourself. When you’re ready, you’ll set goals for yourself. Once you do, it’s good to have support, but you don’t need it, because everything you need is in you.”

“I’m prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar! I hope it has inspired people.”

First, it looks like maybe – juuuuust maybe – we blew the “my fiance hates my weight loss” stories a bit out of proportion. Just a tad.

Second, when she says “some fans love it and others don’t,” she’s not playin’. Considering the beef she got into on twitter with a woman who alleged she had “help” with her weight loss (and that her fiancé is gay), to say that some don’t like it is quite the understatement. As someone who has had plenty of people allege I’ve had surgery myself, I can (unfortunately) relate to that. Can’t relate to her reaction to the questions, though. Makes me want to shake her and scream “Ignore all that, girl!”

Third, this feels so different from all of the other articles I’ve seen about her – I won’t lie, I’m not a culture vulture so the only time I see stuff is when y’all send it to me, so I don’t see much – and this is more like the stuff I like to hear. I certainly don’t want to hear about birds flying high every single morning with my news.

Just kidding… sorta.


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Tamara August 25, 2011 - 10:10 AM

I love this article, for a few reasons. 1, it shows us that her weight loss didn’t happen over night. I started my journey back in December and it seems like its taking forever! I want to give up a lot, but I have to remind myself that weight loss is a journey and a lifestyle change. It doesn’t happen overnight. 2, I also love this article because it seems different than a lot of the other ones I’ve read about Jennifer. This one seems a little more real to me, which I appreciate. 3, I also love that she shows that she started out slowly and then worked her way up to more intense workouts. Her journey took about a couple years, and I’m proud of her.

Nasha August 25, 2011 - 10:13 AM

Man..look’a here…J-Hud has my vote..I do 18 flights of steps every day..she did 26?? She goes hard and I can only respect that..and she’s not saying anything that isn’t true in regards to food…she educated herself, and began to eat for health…forget deprivation..you need food to lose weight!!…I just can’t find anything wrong with her weight loss success..I really just can’t…and I’m so happy that it’s turning out to be lucrative..why shouldn’t she get mo’ money??? I wish somebody WOULD call me to endorse something…just sayin’…go J.Hud..just go girl!

Stephanie August 25, 2011 - 10:55 AM

what an inspiration! i love that she talked about going slow, setting goals for herself __when she was ready__, and learning to be healthy. there’s no self-hatred, no shaming of how her body was before she lost the weight (which was also gorgeous!). love love LOVE this. just the kind of inspiration I need in my day-to-day journey with weight loss. <3

thank you for sharing! i love this blog, and (even though i just found you a couple months ago) have already learned a lot. hope you have a great day!

Savannah August 25, 2011 - 11:25 AM

I am happy for Jennifer and happy to read more of her weight loss story. Sometimes with celebs it’s easy to think that weight loss happens overnight. This helps prove that celebs are people too and have to take their journey one day at a time. Inspirational!

Shermy August 25, 2011 - 11:35 AM

I love it! Congrats to her and the positive things that have come from it! We all deserve some of that! Inspirational!

Stefanie August 25, 2011 - 6:01 PM

Like I said in another blog you posted, Ericka – go head Jennifer!!! I’m glad she finally spoke out (maybe she did before but I didn’t see it) about why she chose to lose the weight. It’s for HER and HER career and well being, etc. Not anyone else. Someone won’t like what we do; whether its for the betterment of our lives or not. So live your best and be happy. Good for her…She looks nice

Michelle of Chellbellz August 27, 2011 - 3:20 PM

LOL i could have told you the husband comment was blown up lol. I said it before when it was brought up, but I’m so glad she did this interview because in the end she kept stressing that she wanted to be healthy, and make an good example for her SON! so many parents play around feeing their kids all kinds of stuff, and then the cycle of obesity keeps on going and going.

christine January 26, 2013 - 7:14 PM

Sighs…folks will always have something to say about you especially when you make changes.glad she ignored them and did Jennifer

Scarie August 30, 2013 - 2:37 AM

Great article but em walking 4 days post c section ?? Don’t think that’s allowed ! I think it’s 6 weeks!

Erika Nicole Kendall August 30, 2013 - 11:02 PM

Not quite. Walking is a part of post-surgical recovery for many, myself included. I had to walk around the hospital, assisted, within 48hrs of my cesarean.

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