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Storie di gente d'Abruzzo: pag.83
411 - AbruzzoMio: Popoli, Bucci and Corfinio

Marc Laino - Chicago

Just returned from Abruzzi. What a treasure Abruzzi is. Not only is it rich in history and antiquities, but it has some of the world's most beautiful natural wonders and sites. I'm glad to see such world wide interest in this region. If anyone has any ineresting information about the above towns or is looking for information about the same, I would love to hear from you. As a side note - did you know that the name ITALY originated from the ancient town of Corfinio(founded in 500 B.C.)

412 - AbruzzoMio: Heri

Elizabeth Leoncini Gerardi

Correction. Grandmother Leoncini was of the Andrea Family. Lived on Lake Campotosta,the Lake in the Mtn. region of town of Mascione

413 - AbruzzoMio: Heritage

Elizabeth Leoncini Gerardi

My father,Emanuele Leoncini,born Mascione,Abruzzi. Hill-town near Aguilla.Some of family moved on to Roma. Mother of Andrea family.He came to America 1914to N.Y.C. Served in Turco War 1911-12 Hopefully I may find a lost cousin Leoncini.

414 - AbruzzoMio: Genealogy & History

Romao Passini
Sao Paulo - SP Brasil

My Great-grand parents Giovanni Passini and Malvina (Maranini) Passini were from FICAROLO - ROVIGO - ITALY and TRESIGALLO - FERRARA - ITALY. They came to Brasil in May 1888. I am interested in finding more information on their families. I live in Sao Paulo - SP Brasil Phone (011) 55884503

415 - AbruzzoMio: Pescara calcio

Alex Angelucci

FORZA PESCARA! Sono in Australia, ma un giorno retorno. Saluti a tutti gli abruzzese!

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