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I joined AIESEC 15 months ago. I have been LCP. I am part of AIESEC Italy MC team as VP Public Relations.

It's said that practice make you perfect. the theory is: the most you think as a manager, the most possibility you have to become it. The more you are able to be cold facing difficulties, fast in decision, cynic in implementation... the most it will be difficult in doing it in a different way.

AIESEC gave me the chance to be brave in taking risks, inclusive in listening to people's opinions, open to inputs. AIESEC let me start thinking about ambition in a people oriented way.

Through my small and fast AIESEC experience I gained something more about the "half full and half empty" glass. I learned that You are the one who decide where is the line dividing empty from full. Always. This is just the representation of your approach, of your will to change the world, of your desire to go one step forward, beyond appearences and limits. Sometimes you just want a drops, sometimes you feel is never enough. You are the one who can change the world. You feel it. You are the one, but you are nobody without people.

Your actions are senseless without communicating them, your decision are useless without being agreed by the people you want to be the leader of.

After these 15 months of experience I am still striving to fulfill my glass. The empty part is the opportunity of growth. There is always something to make better. There is always something to make the world WOW.

My reason why to do AIESEC is to make to be part of a bunch of people who can create a "World of Wonderfull". NOW.

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