What kind of camera do you use?
A Canon Rebel XT. Nothing fancy. I've had it for 6 years so I've learned a thing or two about my old lady. I shoot in manual mode, and do minor editing with Photoshop CS4. I use a Canon EF 28-135mm lens with it. That's it. The rest just comes from a 10 year long hobby and love for photography.

Where do you shop?
I like any stores that have solid, classic pieces. I've worn a lot of my same clothes for years. I love American Eagle, The Gap, Target, and J Crew. I love random pieces from thirft stores, and a few handmade items.

Can we be Facebook friends?
I'm sorry, but no. I like to maintain a bit of privacy on my Facebook, and I'm not comfortable adding people I don't know personally.

Do you have a Flickr account?
Yes, but I only use it as storage for the photos I post here. It is not public.

Do you have a Twitter account?
No, I am not a fan, actually.

What are your favorite beauty and make up products?
Lancome. My mother has used it for 30 years and I inherited her love for all nice-smelling expensive things.

Is Joon your middle name?
No, it's a nickname given to me by my family. In Farsi, it means "dear, darling, or sweetheart." They all get a kick out of the fact that every one has started to call me that, because of this blog.

Can I buy prints of your photos?
Maybe someday, if I decide to go down that route.

Where do you get inspiration from?
Everywhere in life. Ever since I was little I have taken time every day to appreciate what is beautiful around me. When my family took our annual Summer roadtrip every year, I would sit in the back seat and make clicking sounds, pretending I was taking permanent pictures in my mind. Please visit my links for a few blogs I like to visit.
Here is a link to my Pinterest account, where I add inspirational photos I find online.

How many people visit your blog?
100,000+ visitors a month (as of July '11).

Will you take advertising/Can I advertise here?
No, I'm sorry. I feel that accepting advertising on my blog devalues the medium. This is my hobby and creative outlet, and I have no intention of making money off of this blog at any point.

Can I link to your blog?
Please do, and thank you. You can use this image as a button, if you'd like. Just copy and paste this code into your blog: