art Fact

ArtFact exhibition

The gift from V. Saganovich to CEO of Microsoft
Steve Balmer on ArtFact exhibition.
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ArtFact exhibition

CEO of Microsoft Steve Balmer on ArtFact exhibition.
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ArtFact exhibition

G. Gurin, S. Zhilevich, A. Shusterman, A. Shushko, S. Shusterman, V. Saganovich, N. Kozlovsky,
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ArtFact exhibition

September, 2007, Pinsk, Belarus Plenary in Bojari
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ArtFact exhibition

A Shusterman, V. Saganovich, G. Gurin, S. Zhilevich, E. Talamay, N. Kozlovsky
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ArtFact exhibition

Exhibition members of ArtFact at Artomatic 2008, Washington.
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ArtFact exhibition

Opening of memorial Board of Richard Kapustinsky.
by sculptor Sergey Zhilevich.
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ArtFact exhibition

September, 2007, Pinsk, Belarus Plenary in Bojari
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ArtFact exhibition

September, 2007, Pinsk, Belarus Plenary in Bojari
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ArtFact exhibition

August-October, 2006, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Exhibition of Izya Shlosberg
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